Patrícia da Silva representa o Teatro Praga no evento Colina a decorrer em Tallinn na Estónia.
COLINA (Collaboration in Arts) is a playground for different art fields, a place for contamination between specific languages, aiming to reflect and reinvent the very idea of “artistic object” in our times. “In a fast world arts is a constant evolution. Creative ideas follow the pace of change and adjust to new developments, mostly in city environments. Time is short for reflection and those cities that generate outstanding inputs and inspiration are not often places of reflection. It is crucial that “safe havens” exist for artists that allow for new ideas to be developed.” COLINA will achieve this through bringing together the power of some of Europe's most established production centres together with the inspired vision created by Rui Horta.
COLINA Tallinn Lab brings for two weeks together artist from Portugal, Germany, Denmark, France, England, Estonia and other countries. Tallinn Lab is curated by Silke Bake.
(Para além de Patrícia da Silva participam nesta edição do Colina os portugueses Nelson Guerreiro e Vitor Roriz.)
O site do Colina-Tallinn onde se dá conta de todos os projectos pode ser consultado aqui