- It's funny. Yesterday we were like other people, just like everyone else. We had fun, we slept, we ate. We knew men and women. And now there's nobody. Just us two.
- Two's enough. Enough to drive a truck.
- But I like to be with people. Sitting outside in the evening, drinking wine and talking.
- About what?
- I don't know. Whatever comes into my head. Then you take a girl into the corner, give her a tickle. Don't you like women?
- No.
- You've had too easy a life.
- You think so?
- You were daddy's little boy. What does your father do?
- I'm an orphan.
- How old are you?
- A hundred.
- A hundred? Come on!
- Just takes a few months to get to be a hundred... if you're in the right place at the right time. Not even time for coffee.