Filme: Happening (o Événement do Badiou: e pronto já está a somar um ponto)
Local: (l)UCI(fer) : e pronto já estou a subtrair dois pontos
Companhia: o medricas, o pipocas e a pipricas (nem subo nem desço a pontuação)
Género: "Costumo fazer filmes suspense/catástrofe com histórias de amor, mas agora decidi fazer uma história de amor com suspense/catástrofe i.e. basta filmar uma cena com uma velha parva, bonecas de porcelana, berraria e vento, e bombar acordes malucos com batidas Matmos". Pronto, menos uns pontos.
Estrelas*: a velha e a boneca.
Duração: Justa (mais menos uns pontos).
Argumento: Em jeito de ZZ. "This is a movie about fertilization. But let me take it a little bit further, isn't fertilization so much a question about temperature as a question about availability? Now, we have a name for that: Love. Isn't love the happening that makes woman exist (if only for some seconds) in order to be fertilized. We can take it a little bit further and state that one happening (love) has to exist in order for the other happening (the proper sex) to take shape. Can't we see in the wind (that travels all around the movie) the lamella, the phallic and stupid man in the film that picks the trees pollens, sending it all around; and can't we see the population stopping and consequent suicide as the beginning of the death-drive and its repetition as the responsibility of paternity? And, let me take it a little bit further, can't we read of the presence of the best friend's child some sort of object petit a that will develop into desire proper?!? Yes, we can see at the end that not only the wind leaves America, the foster parents also leave the child and commit happily to the unborn one. And we could have a name for that: 'Shy a maman?' or 'frigid? or 'fridge id?' " Adoro. 5 pontos.
Decisão: 0 + 1 - 2 (0) - 2 + - 2 + 5 = 0
*Por razões que ultrapassam o autor, esta categoria não servirá de pontuação.